Let's Connect
7979 Ivanhoe Avenue, Suite #460

About Us

Torreyana Capital is a thought leader within the investment management industry, providing discretionary investment management services in furtherance of the philanthropic goals of our stakeholders. Our investment returns directly translate to the impact that our foundations have in the communities they serve.

We believe great firms begin with great people. Although we cultivate a culture of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, our people and our partners tend to have a few things in common: they are thoughtful, listening attentively, speaking candidly, and treating others respectfully; they are lifelong learners who are deeply curious about the world; and they are intellectually humble, operating with an open mind and a willingness to communicate uncertainty and acknowledge the unknown.

We are passionate about what we do. Underpinning that passion is an unrelenting curiosity and a deep appreciation for the challenges of investing. For that reason, we set high standards because we know that complacency breeds mediocre outcomes.

We prefer a long-term and disciplined approach to investing. We feel that this better aligns the portfolio with our mission and the foundations we support while also offering the greatest potential for outperformance relative to our benchmark.

We are active, opportunistic, and highly selective. Our generalist framework enables us to flexibly allocate capital to the best opportunities and ideas. We are not afraid to take concentrated bets on positions for which we have conviction. This is balanced with a healthy respect for the merits of diversification, risk management, and sensible portfolio construction.

We seek alignment with our partners, preferring to work with those who prioritize performance over asset growth, and are meaningful investors in their own funds. Furthermore, we value strategic relationships over transactional ones, but never at the expense of our stakeholder’s returns.

Finally, we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence. This belief reflects many things, not least our personalities, but primarily serves to encapsulate our ambitions for the organization and the high-performance culture we seek to create.



Spore is a cultural initiative facilitating programs on regenerative ecological practices through experiences of intergenerational learning. At its core is the weaving of dialogues and the nourishment of common grounds that exist between communities, organizations, and people who may be geographically or culturally far from one another but share similar interests, values, and experiences.

Spore was founded with the primary purpose to facilitate the work and visions of communities rooted in territories of the Global South. The aim is to stand behind their practices of care, their regenerative relationship to the web of life, and the values of their grounded spiritualities. Spore does so in close collaboration and ongoing dialogue with partner organizations on the territories.

Spore is in Berlin, in a building designed by AFF architects. It manifests as a laboratory with programs that reflect an interconnectedness with the collaborations in the Global South. These programs will unfold through a wide spectrum of experiential platforms aimed at fostering collective learning, dialogue, and mutually generative exchanges between different cultures. Those taking part in Spore’s programs come together not only as participants but as active contributors to situations of communal learning with a shared interest in preserving the possibility of diverse and sustainable life on Earth.

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The Panta Rhea Foundation is a small, progressive, family foundation engaged in charitable grantmaking and advising in the United States and global south communities around the world. With a vision of a more just and sustainable world for all, the Foundation supports community-based organizations in their quest for food sovereignty, grassroots people-powered systems change, and climate resilience.

Panta Rhea’s Global Roots Fund strengthens political and cultural power, preserves biodiversity, and reshapes economies, grounded in the Caribbean and Americas. Its Food Sovereignty Fund supports movements and leaders in the United States and around the world building food systems based on agroecology principles that foster thriving communities and human dignity and protect biodiversity and climate stability. The Foundation’s People Power Fund supports organizing, advocacy, communications, and grassroots mobilization toward a thriving planet, particularly action on the climate crisis.

The Foundation also embraces a long-standing commitment to strengthening nonprofit partners and nurturing grassroots field leadership through its Resilience & Renewal program, which provides organizational development and wellbeing support for social movement partners.

Honoring the Foundation’s deeply held belief in the power of arts to spark social change, the Foundation has also funded artists and arts-focused social change organizations. Recently, Panta Rhea launched the Flow Fund for Climate Justice, a participatory grantmaking initiative to support movement organizations to implement arts-based strategies to catalyze action on the climate crisis.

Throughout all its work, the Foundation centers racial justice and equity and practices grantmaking in solidarity with movement partners through trust-based philanthropy approaches. Examples include providing enduring multi-year general operating support for core grantees, investing in participatory and movement-led funds, seeding new grassroots efforts, and serving on boards and commissions in service of our shared mission: a just and sustainable world.

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About Us

Torreyana Capital is a thought leader within the investment management industry, providing discretionary investment management services in furtherance of the philanthropic goals of our stakeholders. Our investment returns directly translate to the impact that our foundations have in the communities they serve.

We believe great firms begin with great people. Although we cultivate a culture of diverse backgrounds, experiences, and perspectives, our people and our partners tend to have a few things in common: they are thoughtful, listening attentively, speaking candidly, and treating others respectfully; they are lifelong learners who are deeply curious about the world; and they are intellectually humble, operating with an open mind and a willingness to communicate uncertainty and acknowledge the unknown.

We are passionate about what we do. Underpinning that passion is an unrelenting curiosity and a deep appreciation for the challenges of investing. For that reason, we set high standards because we know that complacency breeds mediocre outcomes.

We prefer a long-term and disciplined approach to investing. We feel that this better aligns the portfolio with our mission and the foundations we support while also offering the greatest potential for outperformance relative to our benchmark.

We are active, opportunistic, and highly selective. Our generalist framework enables us to flexibly allocate capital to the best opportunities and ideas. We are not afraid to take concentrated bets on positions for which we have conviction. This is balanced with a healthy respect for the merits of diversification, risk management, and sensible portfolio construction.

We seek alignment with our partners, preferring to work with those who prioritize performance over asset growth, and are meaningful investors in their own funds. Furthermore, we value strategic relationships over transactional ones, but never at the expense of our stakeholder’s returns.

Finally, we are relentless in our pursuit of excellence. This belief reflects many things, not least our personalities, but primarily serves to encapsulate our ambitions for the organization and the high-performance culture we seek to create.  



The Schöpflin Stiftung is an independent, non-profit foundation based in Lörrach, Germany. On the Foundation's campus in Lörrach, the Schöpflin Team uses innovative solutions and formats for empowering children and young people, offering sociopolitical thought impetus and testing out forms of citizen participation.

The Center for Addiction Prevention Villa Schöpflin offers needs-based, effective and sustainable prevention measures for children and adolescents in the district of Lörrach and beyond. The Werkraum Schöpflin is the Foundation's cultural and debate venue. Here, program series on current topics are presented, and reading clubs and creative vacation care are offered for children and young people. The Schöpflin School, which opened for the 2021/22 school year, is an artistic and creative space where children can discover their strengths without pressure to perform. In addition, the Foundation is currently experimenting with new concepts in urban planning through the development of a new neighborhood in Lörrach. Built upon 15,000 square meters of undeveloped land, the Foundation has engaged with community members to crowdsource ideas which have informed the development of the Schöpflin Quarter, which combines forms of community with housing, commerce, and sustainability.

In addition, the Foundation operates on a national scope. For example, the newly founded media house PUBLIX in Berlin provides space for independent media and free and critical discourse, providing a home for journalists to shape the public debate and strengthen democracy. Besides running its in-house projects and programs, the Foundation also provides grants to external initiatives and organizations. As a supra-regional funding foundation, it uses social venture capital to facilitate experiments in the civic sector. A team of program directors accompany and support non-profit organizations and social enterprises in their growth; thus ensuring that civil society actors can serve as a complement and counterweight to public and private sector actors. Through its work and the engagement of its partners, the Schöpflin Foundation is promoting critical awareness, a vibrant democracy, and a diverse society.

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Spore is a cultural initiative facilitating programs on regenerative ecological practices through experiences of intergenerational learning. At its core is the weaving of dialogues and the nourishment of common grounds that exist between communities, organizations, and people who may be geographically or culturally far from one another but share similar interests, values, and experiences.

Spore was founded with the primary purpose to facilitate the work and visions of communities rooted in territories of the Global South. The aim is to stand behind their practices of care, their regenerative relationship to the web of life, and the values of their grounded spiritualities. Spore does so in close collaboration and ongoing dialogue with partner organizations on the territories.

Spore is in Berlin, in a building designed by AFF architects. It manifests as a laboratory with programs that reflect an interconnectedness with the collaborations in the Global South. These programs will unfold through a wide spectrum of experiential platforms aimed at fostering collective learning, dialogue, and mutually generative exchanges between different cultures. Those taking part in Spore’s programs come together not only as participants but as active contributors to situations of communal learning with a shared interest in preserving the possibility of diverse and sustainable life on Earth.

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The Panta Rhea Foundation is a small, progressive, family foundation engaged in charitable grantmaking and advising in the United States and global south communities around the world. With a vision of a more just and sustainable world for all, the Foundation supports community-based organizations in their quest for food sovereignty, grassroots people-powered systems change, and climate resilience.

Panta Rhea’s Global Roots Fund strengthens political and cultural power, preserves biodiversity, and reshapes economies, grounded in the Caribbean and Americas. Its Food Sovereignty Fund supports movements and leaders in the United States and around the world building food systems based on agroecology principles that foster thriving communities and human dignity and protect biodiversity and climate stability. The Foundation’s People Power Fund supports organizing, advocacy, communications, and grassroots mobilization toward a thriving planet, particularly action on the climate crisis.

The Foundation also embraces a long-standing commitment to strengthening nonprofit partners and nurturing grassroots field leadership through its Resilience & Renewal program, which provides organizational development and wellbeing support for social movement partners.

Honoring the Foundation’s deeply held belief in the power of arts to spark social change, the Foundation has also funded artists and arts-focused social change organizations. Recently, Panta Rhea launched the Flow Fund for Climate Justice, a participatory grantmaking initiative to support movement organizations to implement arts-based strategies to catalyze action on the climate crisis.

Throughout all its work, the Foundation centers racial justice and equity and practices grantmaking in solidarity with movement partners through trust-based philanthropy approaches. Examples include providing enduring multi-year general operating support for core grantees, investing in participatory and movement-led funds, seeding new grassroots efforts, and serving on boards and commissions in service of our shared mission: a just and sustainable world.

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Let's Connect
7979 Ivanhoe Avenue, Suite #460